Pet Obesity: Tips On Ways To Shape Up
Posted by The Paw Depot Admin on
Pet obesity is something that happens to pet owners every year. The scenario usually begins with a trip to the vet at which point your pet is weighed and the veterinarian notices that Bucky the French Bulldog has gained 10 pounds since his last visit. You and Bucky both look at the vet as if he’s crazy because you honestly can’t believe it. The truth is you’re not alone. Many pet owners have a very similar visit with the vet and are instructed to start their pets on a diet. However unlike adult obesity, obesity in pets is much easier...
Flea & Tick Prevention For Pets
Posted by The Paw Depot Admin on
Is your pet starting to scratch a lot? Do they seem bothered or irritated for unknown reasons? Chances are during this time of the year; your pet has encountered fleas or ticks. During the peak months of summer, fleas and ticks are at full strength and can be a major threat to humans and their pets. The purpose of this article is to provide you with some advice on flea and tick prevention for pets.Fleas and ticks can do more than just make your pet itch. They can also make your pet quite ill. When flea infestations get heavy in...
Detecting Allergies in Dogs
Posted by The Paw Depot Admin on
Man’s best friend can suffer from allergies in the same way many humans are affected by them. In fact, a wide variety of things may cause allergic reactions in dogs, and it may be difficult to pin down the exact cause in your dog. Dander is often the culprit for allergies in dogs; it is the flakes of dead skin that gets lodged in the fur coat of the animal. Fleas can also spark an allergic reaction in dogs, as well as other inhalants and even certain food products. Inhalants that may cause allergies are pollen, dust, or mold. Some...
Learning the Difference Between Treats and Poisons for Your Pets
Posted by The Paw Depot Admin on
Every pet owner wants to give their pet a special treat now and then, either to celebrate a holiday or birthday, as a reward for a special trick or training or just because. The last thing that should happen because of that treat is discomfort, illness or death, but unless pet owners know what is poisonous to their pets, they could accidentally offer a toxic treat instead of a sweet surprise. About Pet Digestion and Dietary Needs Animals have evolved to need certain diets, and their diets don't necessarily coincide with what humans might need to eat healthy. Furthermore, altering...
Healthy Dental Practices for Pets
Posted by The Paw Depot Admin on
February has been declared Pet Dental Month --and for good reason. The most common disease seen by veterinarians is dental disease. In fact, 75-85% of pets over the age of 2 have dental disease of some form. You’re probably thinking: Great, I don’t like going to the dentist, I can only imagine how my pet feels about it! The truth is, the same philosophy that applies to you and your family also applies to your pets when it comes to dental care. Below, we’ll discuss the importance of healthy dental practices for your pets and what you should do to...